Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Picture a Day part 2

So I took on this challenge of taking a picture a day. Now, some-days I forget so I make up for it on other days. Or some days nothing exciting is going on and I am just reading. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Materials I need to make letter cards for my small groups!
The finished product!

Our new library with new books :)


Teacher resources!

My mama made Pizza!

My niece practicing grating coconuts!

The world map in our library. It is the shower curtain from Bed Bath and Beyond!

Finally, going to the garden. It is about a 15-20 minute hike up. Some of it is really steep but it is worth it in the end. I actually love it and I can't wait to go back!

This is the view from my family's garden.

This is the closest island to me. It is called Pele.

My niece posing. We were playing while Papa was working!

I planted a coconut for a coconut tree. It will be full grown in 5 years. 


Thank you Aunt Christina for the present! We are planting seeds today!

We are planting tomatoes and eggplant.

The finished product!

Rhyming words in small group. They love this book!

I love rainbows, and I see them so often here. It is amazing to see a whole one.

The schools garden. One day after school the teachers came and we planted!
The market!!!

The market!

My view walking to and from the village. It never gets old. This picture does it no justice.

The family!!!

My neice with a bush knife! The kids walk around with the things like it is nobody's busy. On work days, they bring them to school. The bush knife here is like duck tape at home. They do everything with a bush knife. I am afraid of it!

I helped papa make a fowl trap in our garden. This is what we used.

The final product! No fowl yet. Papa checks everyday.

Pineapple!! Oh, I cannot wait!

Some of our garden. Papa planted all of this. I am not really sure what is all there but I know there is taro, tomatoes, manioc, and peppers.
Papa planting potatoes. 
This is what JuJu and I do while Papa works!
Jackline found herself a new home!
This is where she will sleep!

This is what we brought back from the garden for dinner!

So I woke up a Tuesday morning to a student at my front door with a squid! Yes, this is real life!

Mama made a squid soup!

Then made squid fritters. Yum!

My island from another volunteers spot. 

The sunset and I am getting on a boat!

The sunset while heading to my island! I will never get tired of this view!

Well that's all folks!
I am heading out to another island for a week long workshop, then hopefully hiking up an active volcano and getting a custom tattoo (don't tell mom). So your prayers are appreciated. I will have some amazing pictures when I get back. Thanks for reading and looking.

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