Applying to the Peace Corps is not an easy process. I have seen many people post their timeline, so I thought I would share mine.
February 15, 2014- Submitted my application.
March 27, 2014- Interview with the recruiter at USF.
April 2, 2014- Long interview with a recruiter in DC. This was a two hour interview. At the end of the interview, she said that I qualified for three programs. They were all Elementary Education in Uganda leaving November 2014, Vanuatu leaving January 2015, or Thailand leaving January 15. I had to get back to her in a week with my choices. I gave her my choices but knew in my heart, it didn't matter because I knew God would put me where He wants me.
April 7th, 2014- Received an email that I have been nominated and to start the pre-medical clearance process. I only had 30 days to complete it. I also had to complete my legal kit. I went to the police station to get fingerprinted. It was an experience to say the least.
May 5th, 2014- Received an email that they have received my legal kit.
May 6th, 2014- Submitted all of my medical paperwork.
June 19th, 2014- After a few more pieces of medical paperwork, I received an email stating that I have been pre-medically cleared.
June 20th, 2014- Pre-Legally cleared.
July 11, 2014- Received an email that I am being considered for Vanuatu.
August 4, 2014- I had been officially invited to VANUATU!!!!
August 8, 2014- I officially accepted my invitation.
August 9- October 6, 2014- I was going through the medical process. I went to the doctors office 4 times, the dentist 3 times, and the eye doctor once. I also had to get a couple of shots. This was the most stressful time.
October 7, 2014- I am medically cleared.
And now I wait till departure. There are a couple of online classes that I have to take. I also have to buy a bunch of camping things. But other than that, I wait to leave on January 23rd, 2015. I know this will be an adventure of a lifetime!!!
I love your blog posts so far! I am so proud of you, Shannon! I know we haven't seen each other much, but know that I love you and you will always be one of my best friends. I am looking forward to seeing what this adventure brings to you! You deserve only the best!