Thursday, July 30, 2015

6 Months In!

I cannot believe I have been here for six months. The days here are so long but the weeks go by so fast. It is really weird. I am still trying to get the hang of things. I am getting more comfortable with my life here. I really enjoy my family. I have been out in the community more. I am trying to get over myself and put myself out there. But those of you who know me know this is really hard. I do not want to bother anyone, so I do not take the time to walk around and story with the mamas. The Mamas here work so hard and are always working. But one Mama told me the other day, “no, you come and story with me.” So I am trying to do more of that. I am getting better at starting a fire. It now only takes me 1 or 2 matches. So that is great. Life is here is so simple and I am really enjoying the simple things like only eating what the land gives or only using power that the sun provides. The only thing that I eat on a daily basis that is not local is peanut butter and jelly.

I am still working out my schedule at school. I have made some changes and hoping that it will flow better. I will be working with one teacher on a 2 week rotation. I am still continuing to pull small groups. Then, I am starting a Pen Pal program with my school back home. I will start that this upcoming week. I am very excited about this. My school is getting a computer lab which they came last week to install internet J So we will see how this goes. The next thing they are bringing is a big solar panel. So the computers should come soon. Then I will start computer classes. So things are moving slow but at least there moving right?

Another project that I fell on to was a water project for the island. Someone donated these water filters called “lifestraws.” We got one for my village and I helped two other villages to get one. Now I have to do the paperwork as far as gathering data about the water supply in the villages. So I will be working on that for the next couple of weeks.

I went to Malekula to another PCV site to help paint the world map. It was an awesome time. The village and the students love the map so much! I plan on doing this at my site but first I have to raise the funds. My friend whose site we went to wrote a blog about it. So click here to read about the map.

Well I think that is all for now. Here are some pictures of the last two weeks. I am still trying to take a picture a day. Its hard because I forget to grab my camera. But I am trying.

Please send me letters:
Shannon Tomlinson
PC Volunteer
PMB 9097
Port Vila

Nicole and Hannah in the River!

Hanging out in the river or stream. Taking a break from painting!

My Hannah!
My SD card from my grandparents that only took 3 months to get.
Another birthday package from my Aunt. Two months later.
Man does she know me. The trail mix didn't last more than an hour. The taco packets are AMAZING!!!!

The map is almost finished but three of us had to leave so we took this picture.
The Landing Strip in Malekula!

So this is the airport in Malekula. So when you check your bag in, you walk out on the runway and put it on one of these.

This is the plane we take to Malekula and it only seats 20 people.

The Port Vila International School came and fixed up our library. They worked very hard and we are so thankful. 

They also brought a ton of books. This is the librarian at school and she was so excited.

This is the sunset at the end of my village.

Anyone want rice??? This is Children's Day Celebration.

KaeKae (Food)

The children are listening to so speeches.

Just hanging out!

Cakes for Children's day, Gospel Day, and Separation Day. My mama made all of these.

My neice who lives with me. She is in Kindy and she got a cake for Children's day!


So I woke up in the middle of the night two nights in a row because there was a rat in my room. The second night I woke up and turned on a torch and saw this envelope moving behind the bookshelf and could hear the rat chewing it. WTH!!!! So the next day my mama and papa went in there and sure enough there was a huge rat making a nest behind my book shelf. Thank God they killed it!

This is what the envelope looked like!

Happy 35th Independence Day Vanuatu!!! It is really cool to be in another country on their Independence Day.

The Sunset!


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