Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Picture a Day part 1!

Monday morning meeting with the whole school.
They have devotion and then announcements! 
Classrooms for class 5 and 6 with the office in the middle.

Class 1 and the library.

Our sign for the school!

Tents for class 1, 2, and 3. Now only class 1 is in a tent.

Class 2 and 8. It is suppose to be class 3 but class 8 is waiting for their classroom to be ready.

Class 7, class 8, and the computer lab in the middle. Which will be my classroom.

They added this room at the end of class 3. It is class 4.

The library after the cyclone.

The check out counter.
Got this box from the Peace Corps office and when I opened it there was a nesting doll change purse.
 I was so excited!

Baby goats in my village!

Cake for the Fourth of July!

Mama made deviled eggs for the Fourth of July! Then we watched Independence Day!

Papa made a little house for the chicks. When I came back from Vila, he had bought 10 more.
My Papa killed one the other night and we ate it for dinner, and then he has sold two of them and gave one to the church. 
My puppy Juju!!

Kids playing volleyball!

Fixing the library roof!

My bedroom after Mama cleans it!

My desk! It is a hot mess. I love my pictures on the wall.

My closet!
My bookshelf that my mama organized for me!

Look what we ate!! It is an octopus!

My Mama made this cake for the church function last weekend. It took her 12 hours. It is six smaller cakes!

Food for the church function!

Do you need glue??? Well I have some!

Papa brought this back from the garden.

Open day at school!
 It is a day where parents come in and talk with the teachers and the students put on skits, songs, and poems.

A group performing!

The sunrise... waiting for the boat!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon! So great to see you thriving in Taloa :) I'm so glad the community is bouncing back after the cyclone. Miss you girl! Keep up the good work! Love, Nicole
